Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Wrong Curtains

In the pursuit of furnishing my house, I've started to acquire some furniture, lamps, kitchen tools, glassware, etc. One thing that I desperately needed was some window coverings. My large windows were not only affording me only a minimal measure of privacy, they were also bleeding heat like mad, in the midst of the Seattle winter.

While my mother was here around Thanksgiving, she and I did some shopping, and got some ideas for how I could fill the need for curtains. When I went to buy the drapery panels, there weren't enough to cover my windows. Fine, sure, I'll take what you've got, then order the rest.

After a short wait, the curtains arrived in a big box at my front door! Hurrah. When I opened the box, the first thing I noticed were two decorative pillows, in a powder blue color. Since I had ordered dark olive curtains, I thought, "Hmm, perhaps they're under the pillows." Nope. I checked the invoice; perhaps the order simply got crossed up. Nope--four 42"x84" drapery panels, in dark olive. Contents of the box? Not so much.

But knowing how JCPenney is with their customer service, I had no fear that the issue could be resolved without much difficulty. The only problem was going to be waiting for the arrival of the second order of curtains....

Which arrived today. So I got two pillows for free?! Being the Boy Scout that I am, I returned those (also to double-check that I hadn't been charged twice), and finished up my holiday shopping at the same time. Phew!


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