Monday, October 24, 2005

Wasted Time

I once heard someone describe a movie by saying that they would gnaw their arm off to get that two hours of their life back. I feel that way about The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Watched it last night. Thank goodness it was only on Netflix, so I didn't shuck out too many shekels to see it (provided, that is, that I can get through enough movies to reach a reasonable monthly count).

I know nothing of the graphic novel on which the movie was based; it might actually be good, while the movie was not. Predictable, formulaic, even the eye candy was silly in an 'over the top' kind of way.

I don't know if I'd gnaw off my arm, but I could have been doing better things with my time. Like assembling my new furniture! Yay, I have a desk, and something to sit on other than a bar stool. At last, my house is taking on a bit of shape. I hope I can wrangle some more seating by the time I have my housewarming, though, or else everyone's going to have to play musical chairs!


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