Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Collective Grumps

I'm going to have to take a hint from Krisanne here and divide this post into subheadings.

I went to yoga this morning; I dropped in on the class that I used to attend regularly. The instructor recognized me immediately and said "welcome back!" My delight at being greeted warmly quickly evaporated as we began the practice. This was the first time that I had done any structured yoga in at least six months. (By "structured" I mean being led by an instructor for over an hour, in contrast to 15 minutes of random poses or a couple Sun Salutations.) At one point as we're holding a Down Dog with bent elbows she says "See if you can continue to hold your elbows bent while bringing the bottoms of your shoulder blades together." Because of the exertion of holding the pose for so long, my "no" came out as a squeak. But overall, very happy to be somewhat more bendy again.

Road Rage:
My friends and coworkers who ride in my car here regularly comment on my road rage. I have no inhibitions about being vocal when I see someone doing something stupid and/or dangerous on the road. In Seattle, I can count on one hand (ok, maybe two) the incidents where I've felt like I had to use my horn or shake my fist at somebody 'cause they were being stupid. But within 15 minutes of driving Bay Area roads, I found myself back as Mr. Crabby. (To be clear, I only yell or honk at other drivers, nothing like cutting them off or chasing them down to freak them out or anything--that would only make the situation worse.)

No Off Season:
OK. If I still lived here, I'd have no excuse for not being a cycling badass. Spring would come, I'd be fat and slow, but with no good reason. Why? It's 74 degrees here today. Yep, that's right. It's sunny with a hint of breeze. Nothing at all to stop me from riding (except that my bike is 800 mi away). I talked to one of my coworkers (who used to race in his German homeland, years ago) about this weather. The conversation went like this:

Me: So, great weather for riding, eh? I wish I had brought my bike!
Claus: Yeah, but last weekend was crappy; it rained.
Me: Well, do you have a trainer?
Claus: You mean for indoor riding?
Me: Yeah.
Claus: Yeah. I've used it already (sic) four or five times in two years.

Bummer, eh?

Always Thinking With My Stomach:
I love to eat. There are many excellent restaurants in the Bay Area, and I used to frequent a few of them. As I drove down here, I mentally prepared a list of eateries that I wanted to hit while I was in town. At last count, the total was around 20, with me in town for four and a half days. It's so not going to happen. Oh well, have to pick the A-team and go from there.


Blogger Chris Parker said...

Hey! Don't knock Whole Foods, I used to work there. And they do have good stuff, too. :)

Sandy, I hate you for having 74 degree weather. With the windchill in Chicago it is 0 today. Yes, zero. :(

11/17/2005 09:05:00 AM  

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