Friday, October 28, 2005

Don't Get It Wet!

Aren't bikes like gremlins? If you get them wet, bad things happen? At least I didn't feed mine after midnight.... Thanks to a surprise visit by Karl, I had a great excuse to play a bit of hookey today and go for a ride. Despite the forecast, the day was bright and sunny with only a few puffy clouds, well into the afternoon.

But it's that "well into the afternoon" bit that caught us. I met him around 3:20 at Francesca's house, and we set off for Log Boom. It was a bit windy on the ride, but since it was a tailwind, that wasn't so apparent, until we turned around. And it was right when we turned around when the black clouds began to loom.

So Karl and I valiantly fought a bit of a headwind and stinging cold rain to head back home. We were lucky to avoid any significant rainfall most of the way back. But once he turned off around 25th Ave NE, and I headed for the sticks, the rain started to really come down. I was pretty drenched by the time I made it back to the house. And I had talked Karl out of wearing his booties, only because I didn't have mine. My toes are still cold....

Fearless has tasted its first bit of rain.


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