Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Food Cravings

I've heard it said that when you have a craving for a particular food, you should satisfy it, no matter how outlandish the craving is. The idea being that you're going to want that particular food until you get it. This means that if you're craving a hamburger, but you eat a salad instead, because it's "healthier" (or for whatever reason), you're still going to crave that hamburger, and you might just give in and eat the hamburger later, and now you've had a salad as well, thereby increasing your overall intake.

So anyway. Sunday, I had a killer craving for the cinnamon swirl french toast at 5 Spot. Normally, I don't eat breakfast foods, so this one was a bit out there for me. But by the time I got there (and got seated--busy!), they had sold out of the requisite bread for the french toast. Gosh!

Today, I was siezed by another craving, this time for Mexican food from Gordito's. It worked out OK, because I had to swing past that part of town for a game store anyway. So off I went to Greenwood. Only to discover that Gordito's is closed on Tuesdays. CRAP!

As a result of this unsatisfied Mexican food craving, I've been snacking all day. I think I'm up to half a bag of potato chips and a bowl of ice cream. And now I'm craving cake....


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