Monday, January 02, 2006

January 2nd

I forgot to include one other complaint in yesterday's post, and I was going to edit it to make the amendment. But Chris has already posted a comment, so I'll leave it be. So now, let me bring you page two of my New Year's Rants.

This one has to do with resolutions--those promises we make to ourselves and others as the clock chimes twelve, vowing to change "bad" behaviors. Why is it that taking down one calendar and putting up a new one prompts us to reevaluate our position in life and try to affect positive change? If you look at yourself, and recognize the need for change--whether to stop smoking, lose some weight, exercise more, or just plain be nicer to the people around you, why is January 1 the day? Why not July 8th, or the Vernal Equinox? I feel the same about people who limit their philanthropy to the "Holiday Season". I'm a firm believer in striving to make positive change whenever the need is realized, and in being good to people year-round.

Like my Y2K New Year's Eve, I did have one positive experience with New Year's Resolutions. It was Y2K+3, and I was with a bunch of close friends. A low-key evening celebrated with food and spirits at a friend's house. When midnight struck, we realized that none of us--not one--had come up with any resolutions. Hard to improve upon perfection, I guess. But then someone turned to me and said "I've got one for you: Shut up and buy the damn car already. Stop talking about it, just do it." That was the pebble that started the avalanche. Suddenly, everyone had resolutions for everyone else. None of it was mean-spirited or wicked, but it was the kind of stuff that only your close friends can see. And I think that having your friend give you a New Year's Ultimatum is better for enforcement, as well. They have a vested interest in making sure you follow through. So what resolutions do I need to make?


Blogger klbarrus said...

That's why I make all my resolutions starting on Feb. 29th. Works great. ;)

1/03/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger klbarrus said...

I posted too early. My resolution for you is to come visit me sometime. ;) hehehehe

1/03/2006 09:41:00 AM  
Blogger Krisanne said...

"Stop talking about it, just do it."

I think that's a good resolution for you in general. :)

1/04/2006 12:54:00 PM  
Blogger Ultragrrl said...

Eat more cookies!

1/05/2006 09:56:00 AM  

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