Sunday, July 09, 2006

More Lessons

I remembered two more things that I had realized during this, my most recent trip to Europe.

European Coke doesn't use high fructose corn syrup: Ok, so it seems silly putting all that in bold, but it's true. Coca-Cola is an international brand with worldwide distribution. And like the fast food companies, they have a vested interest in assuring the same customer experience no matter where the Coke was bottled. The interesting bit to me is that in Europe, the Coke doesn't have high fructose corn syrup listed as an ingredient. Just sugar for a sweetener. And it tastes the same to my palate, without the weird side effects of HFCS. Could it be that Coca-Cola in Europe is good for you? (Or at least not so bad?)

It's only driving in the U.S. that gives me road rage: Driving in Europe is much more of a privilege in most places, and not a "right." Cars are heavily taxed, gasoline is expensive, and there are easy alternatives to driving. As such, the drivers tend to be a little more careful, more considerate, more attentive. Just a couple days back behind the wheel in the U.S. and I find myself gripping the wheel a bit tighter and feeling a slight rise in blood pressure.


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